Cozumel is said to be one of the most expensive places in Mexico. Even some Finnish travel agencies and guides say that Mexico's price level is reaching Finland's. We'd be very interestend in learning if these people even ever visited Mexico. Please contact us.

Here are some examples of our weekly purchases and their costs:

Freshly squeezed fruit smoothie (one liter) 16 pesos 1,10 euros

5,2 kg of laundry, drying, folding, packing incl. 52 pesos 3,50 euros

One kilogram of mangos 5,90 pesos 0,34 euros

Six pack of beer 29 pesos 2 euros

Sol beer (0,33 l) 8 pesos 0,55 euros

A liter of Coca-Cola 10 pesos 0,70 euros

From our perspective these prices are almost non-existing after living in Finland but from the eyes of an average Mexican worker, whose daily wage is approximately 50-100 pesos (3,40-6,80 euros), you might see things a little differently.